Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Cookie Time

A Saturday fell between my bladder surgery last week, and a colonoscopy today. A chilly morning sounded ideal to turn the kitchen into a cookie factory. Those fresh, warm globs of dough warm from the oven. Cookies are quite easy, and home made are so good. Only about 10-12 dozen this time. Chocolate Chip, Oatmeal Butterscotch, and Peanut Butter. Not much into the rolling, cutting, icing, and sprinkles type.
Be prepared to hand wash a lot of utensils in the process for mass production, making the 2nd batch while the 1st batch is cooking. There's no time to be waiting for a dishwasher if you want to keep that oven full for 2-3 hours. Those ancient pans and equipment still do a wonderful job like when I was a kid. The cookbook is even dated 1936. The old card table is set up, covered with a white cotton flour sack towel for the cooling area.  Then they get stored in the old round aluminum cookie tins my Dad had made. And of course the best part is licking the bowls. SUGAR!!
Still tempting are those little round balls (butter, sugar & flour), rolled in powdered sugar. Yum. A simple sugar cookie is easy. Or a tasty Molasses Cookie. (Remember to set the Mole traps early in the season, for those recipes that call for Mole-Asses.)
I hope your home has a tradition of making cookies for the Holidays. Thanks for stopping by.

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